What do dreams really mean?!

The Reflector
2 min readApr 27, 2024


Sometimes, it’s not the piece you’ve been meaning to write that gets the first attention.

This one you’re reading is one of those spur of the moment ones that just rushes to the front and successfully out-turns the others, similar to the way some Nigerians do (Law school was a time).

Anyhoo, it’s an annoyingly hot evening in my not-so-new city of choice🥹 and I’m realizing that there was a dream that I didn’t particularly understand or better still, I’ve not comfortably found a meaning for.

Bref, I dreamt of two of my best people in the world; at least, at different times they were but as adulting will have it, we don’t speak as often as I would have loved.

While I’ll like to believe that I try/tried, the saner thing to do following that dream where I saw two of my girls and actively didn’t speak to either of them should have been to text them. Here I am though, telling the world about it.

There may be pride lurking somewhere following how my previous voluntary communications were met.

As I’ve said, I’ve chosen to not give extra thought to why I haven’t been acted in better judgement to my dream but have chosen to yap about it.

For one of them though, I think I wasn’t helping them grow in some way that I’ll rather not be specific about. For the other, it’s really just adulting proper.

For both, it’s just guesses.

Some of the adulthood is guessing I think.

On a final note, my least favourite hair activity used to be washing but as I type this, it’s loosening her. I took a break from said activity to give you this piece.

  • This piece I must say add is in partial fulfillment of my promise to Kuro to write often.

Bonus gist that doesn’t concern you.

I got my work-complimentary cards a while ago. Corporate girlie looks good on me.

I hope you’re sha keeping sane.

Catch you!

Eat healthy, Stay safe.


For: You!



The Reflector

I'm still trying to understand my oxymoronic love for routine/order et Al and that of doing things unscripted (writing, reading, music, movies and loving).