
The Reflector
1 min readJun 9, 2024


Don’t worry, it’s not a sad piece.

This will be a short and sweet one of me feeling myself in a sense. Maybe you too can borrow a leaf from my book. I’m open to borrowing from yours too cos this babe be adulting real hard.


Today, I’m scrolling through the Twitter streets and repeatedly, I see sprinkles of Macron and Elections; my sirens go off, I’m curious, “what is happening?!”.

Something just says, “Don’t go on that voyage, you’ll listen to the news once you get to the office tomorrow and you’ll have the full gist. Hold your horses.”

That’s how, my people, I didn’t go to my chrome oo, I found myself here gisting you of how routines can make you enjoy the mundane/mindless social media scrolling cos anyhow anyhow tomorrow, I’ll know why Eedee is talking about Brussels being gobsmacked and all will be well.

I take solace in my news routine that I will know what’s popping, anyhow.

It’s been a hot minute since I shared a thought or two. So, here goes nothing.

You can also tell me what you take solace in these days.


Votre amie Karina.



The Reflector

I'm still trying to understand my oxymoronic love for routine/order et Al and that of doing things unscripted (writing, reading, music, movies and loving).