A Crier’s Story!

The Reflector
2 min readApr 4, 2024


Photo by Louis Galvez on Unsplash

A day to my birthday, I’ll have this long heart-felt convo with my friend where I once again proclaimed my stance as a cry advocate.

On hearing me, one will think it’s a sport I engage in regularly but the reverse is quite the case. Little did I know that this week, PMS had it coming for me, coupled with my most-recent adulting rant.

Admittedly though, I’m not as bold a crier as I am a cry activist but these things happen. Even worse is that after the bawling, my eyes hurt so bad, my glasses can barely do any good as the pain that greets me the morning after is worse than the ones I have after a long-read before bed.

This week’s episode was in the convenience of my office, something I was seeing during lunch forced the never-watery eyes to let loose and release all the tension that had zero to do with the movie. Life happens.

All of this did not however prepare me for the teary eyes that’ll meet me in the mirror of the tricycle in my commute from work. I knew she had had a day. What must have torpedoed her day?! Did someone go off on her?! Is it PMS like mine?! Why in God’s name is this fair woman so pink with watery and pain-filled eyes on a Tuesday evening.

I hope she saw the pity in my eyes, the sorry I wish I could tell her, the “I understand” I wish I could blurt out.

In all, I’m happy she could cry ‘cos even if my friends (mostly male) have constantly argued the importance of cry, I believe that the God that made us knew very well it’s importance before he made it available + research will also sure that it’s a relieving sport, a release mechanism.

Who are you to decide otherwise?!

May the joys find us and if we ever have to, may we not look for tears and not see (the pain is worse, I will know).





The Reflector

I'm still trying to understand my oxymoronic love for routine/order et Al and that of doing things unscripted (writing, reading, music, movies and loving).