Best in English

The Reflector
3 min readJun 16, 2024


Even me, I’m appalled but how man go do?!

That’s how last week, I was drafting the content of an office event and in a bid to add a fun activity, I boldly wrote “Singing the new National item”.

The disgrace would have been contained, had I exercised the basic skill of proofreading and editing, two skills that come naturally but I HATE (doing for my works).

Anyhoo, I screen grabbed the whole thing and boldly shared it to a fellow intern and our supervising staff.

During review, my mind had drifted and the very words that jolted me back to full reality was: I believe you intended “national anthem”. Feeling myself and my creativity, I wanted to hop in my defense to explain how nice it’ll be to see people goof. The Holy Spirit of God just said “sharrap”. Only for me to look at the screen oo, lo and behold, na “National Item” star girl write.

I however proclaimed how proud I was of myself for the error with a shameful laugh😂

Only after that meeting was I once again reminded of when one time an acquaintance

called me “Egghead”. If you see para?! Normally, I don’t like anything that moonlights as insult. Even fish, don’t call me. Only for me to have a double take after persistent defense from the brother. I mistook egghead for airhead.

Children of God, it’ll fair if that was the only disgraceful situation I have had with understanding a word/phrase or misspelling one.

This one still makes me cackle. It was when I was doing LAWSAN judge things — a zealous girl.

That’s how we received colleagues (students) from Uniport’s Law Faculty. Somehow, one of the guy’s was really dark. He was giving Mati (God rest her soul). Stereotypical, I know but I know my people — his complexion gave him off.

So, in a bid to exchange pleasantries and find a relatable ground, I asked where he was from and he said Bayelsa. In a victorious and joyful tone, I exclaimed: “I knew it”. Of course, he goes on to ask how. And in my innocence, I say his complexion gave him off.

Only for Chief to say “I take exception to that”. Guess what I did instead of apologizing.

I said “I know right?” and finished it off with a laugh that I expected him to join me in.

Now I understand why he didn’t laugh.

It fills me with shame when I remember these things but I console myself with the fact that while I have sense, there’s a shit tonne of things I don’t know, neither am I immune to mistakes.

On that note, if you read this and see an homophone (ie e sound like the word but it’s not the word), may the context guide you.

Once again, I neither proofread nor edited this. And yes, it’s laziness.


Id el kabir, mes amis.

Karibaby, the constant K!

What are you listening to today?!

Listen here🩵

In-frame, L-R: Vicky Tissue, Constant K and Goodie.

Two of my oldest friends — my sallah padis.



The Reflector

I'm still trying to understand my oxymoronic love for routine/order et Al and that of doing things unscripted (writing, reading, music, movies and loving).